【影片名称】: Doctor Adventures - A Little BIG Trouble
【格式类型】: MP4
【影片大小】: 267MB
September 22nd, 2011
Big dicks, Facial, POV, Condom, High heels
brazzers 出品, 一般就30分钟时间,前面会有五分钟的剧情, 这公司每天会出几部,除了周日没短片,我就选择性的转主演: Brittany Andrews, Keiran Lee
Dr. Andrews is nobody's fool. Heck, she's a doctor! But when Keiran Lee walks into her practice with a bit of, ahem, big trouble, she throws caution to the wind and decides to literally sink her teeth into the problem. Is Keiran's cock really to big for a condom? Dr. Andrews gets to the bottom of it and, as usual, urges lovers everywhere (no matter how large) to wrap their tool before sex.

红色衣服我最爱, 因为有剧情, 图发了, 让她慢慢脱衣, 花样多多, brazzers 。